Thursday, April 26, 2007

Koenig | Lasworth | Schools Without Failure

Recent Features:
A Fall from Grace Part 1: The Fall Instructor of Biblical Studies Sara Koenig examines 2 Samuel 11 which charts David’s fall from grace when he commits the sin of adultery with Bathsheba. April 17, 2007. (18:47)

Demonstration of Illustration Techniques Professor of Art Laura Lasworth demonstrates basic illustration techniques in this video presentation. February 2, 2006. (58:57)

SPU Classics:
Schools Without Failure Former Dean of the School of World Missions at Fuller Seminary Arthur F. Glasser discusses ways in which to motivate students to learn and develop into responsible citizens at the 1970 Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference. June 2, 1970. (50:11)

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