Seminary Programs

Seattle Pacific Seminary offers a variety of degree programs that provide many options for your study of theology. All Seminary programs support SPU’s vision to engage the culture and change the world with the transforming gospel of Jesus Christ.

Master of Divinity

This degree prepares you for ordained ministry and for general pastoral leadership in congregations and other settings. It is also the recommended first degree if you plan to pursue admission to doctoral programs in theology.

Master of Arts (MA-THEO)

Our Master of Arts degree brings the interdisciplinary insights and methods of the fine arts, business, and the social sciences into the study of theology and the practice of Christian ministry. This program has a core curriculum of 33 credits, which consists of three intensive introductory courses on the intersection of Christian formation and 1) Discipleship, 2) Mission, and 3) Reconciliation (6 credits). 

In addition, students are required to take courses in Bible, Church history, and Theology/Ethics. Beyond the core credits, students completing the MA-THEO degree will choose a concentration* with classes specifically focused on their area of study. The MA concentrations are:



*Students may also opt to specialize in more than one area. Completing a dual-concentration degree can be achieved with as few as 60 total credits, depending on the selected concentrations.

Dual Degrees (MBA, MFA, MFT)

In partnership with SPU’s School of Business and Economics and School of Psychology, Family, and Community, we offer five dual degree programs that enable you to earn two advanced degrees in less time than it would take you to earn the same two degrees separately.

Graduate Certificates

Seattle Pacific Seminary (SPS) offers several one-year, part-time certificate programs in specialized areas to deepen your understanding of the Christian faith and to grow your vocational skills and gifts for ministry. SPS Certificates include the following subject areas: Christian Scripture, Reconciliation and Intercultural Studies, Christian Faith Formation, Christian Studies, Ministerial Leadership, and Wesleyan and Methodist Studies.

Seminary Degree Completion

The table below summarizes the amount of time and the number of credits students should expect to take each quarter in order to complete their degree:

Master of Divinity
3 years of study

108 Minimum required credits
3 Quarters per academic year
12 Average credits per quarter

Master of Arts in Theology
2 years of study

60 Minimum required credits
3 Quarters per academic year
10 Average credits per quarter

MA (TI) / MFT dual degree
3 years of study

115 Minimum required credits 
3 Quarters per academic year
13 Average credits per quarter

MDiv / MFT dual degree
4 years of study

158 Minimum required credits 
3 Quarters per academic year
13.16 Average credits per quarter

MA (TI) / MBA dual degree
3 years of study

105 Minimum required credits
3 Quarters per academic year
12 Average credits per quarter

MDiv / MBA dual degree
4 years of study

156 Minimum required credits
3 Quarters per academic year
13 Average credits per quarter

Graduate Certificate in Christian Studies

11 Minimum required credits
3 Quarters per academic year
3 Average credits per quarter

Taking summer school courses and/or taking more credits per quarter, on average, than the number shown above decreases the time to degree completion. Taking fewer credits per quarter, on average, than the number shown above increases the time to degree completion. Students in dual degree programs may sometimes experience schedule conflicts, which can also increase the time to degree completion.

For more information on the cost for each degree program, please visit our Tuition and Fees page.

macbook and bible on desk

MA in Theology: Christian Ministry

The Low-Residency Master of Arts in Theology degree program affords students the opportunity to pursue their vocational objective without disrupting their local obligations. The program focuses on the classical theological disciplines of Scripture, Church history, theology, and ethics.

Nick Davenport

Meet Nick Davenport

Nick Davenport, MDiv ’15, discusses his experience at Seattle Pacific Seminary

ATS Accreditation

Seattle Pacific Seminary of Seattle Pacific University is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the Association of Theological Schools, 10 Summit Park Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275-1110; (412) 788-6505. The following degree programs are approved by the Commission on Accrediting: Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Theology, with the following concentrations: Christian Scripture, Christian Traditions, Worship and the Arts, Christian Ministry, Theological Integration, Theology and Ethics, and Reconciliation and Intercultural Studies. 


The Triple A Model: Academy, Abbey, Apostolate®

Founding Dean, Dr. Doug Strong, reflects upon the initial vision of Seattle Pacific Seminary, known as the “The Triple A Model: Academy, Abbey, Apostolate®.” This way of doing theological education focuses on an interplay of scholarship, spiritual edification, and service learning.