Need a Quiet Place to Study During Finals?

The SPU Library has transformed the Library Seminar Room into a Quiet Study Zone for finals. From 6 p.m. to close on weeknights and all day on the weekend, the Library Seminar Room is reserved for quiet, individual study.

Quiet Study Zone: Tips for Success
Put cellphones on silent, bring quiet munchies, and be prepared to pass notes: this space is going to be as noise free as we can make it!

While it is impossible to make a space completely noise free – paper rustles and keyboards click – we hope these guidelines can help you make the most of this space.

• take conversations outside of the Seminar Room
• keep the Seminar Room door closed
• let others know if they are making noise that disturbs you
• be respectful of others' study needs, including requests for additional quiet
• return furniture to its original position when leaving

We hate to say no but…
• no leaving personal belongings to save a space for later
• no group work or talking
• no smelly foods

Give us feedback about this use of the Seminar Room. 
Any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions can be sent to:

Posted: Tuesday, November 27, 2012