Genesis and Exodus: An Introduction

Genesis and exodus

The only Scriptures Jesus ever read or appealed to as theologically authoritative were the Scriptures of the synagogue, which Christians now call the Old Testament. The first section of these Scriptures in their Hebrew form is called Torah, meaning law, teaching, instruction, even story. Genesis 1–Exodus 19 is foundational to the rest of the Bible, speaking to creation and the election of Israel’s ancestors when creation needs restoration.

Local church leaders, alumni, Lectio readers: 

Spend a day exploring these key texts with SPU Professor of Old Testament Dr. Frank Spina. We’ll discuss the nature of creation; God’s engaging of the created order; the nature and role of humanity; the themes of sin, judgment, and grace; the election of the ancestors; the rescuing of God’s people; and the eventful trek through the wilderness.

DATE: Friday, September 5
TIME: 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
PLACE:​ Demaray Hall (Room 150), SPU Campus
COST: $20 (includes lunch)

Registration is now closed. Questions? Email or call 206-378-5415.

Don’t miss out: Join us online for the Genesis/Exodus Lectio series beginning September 29.

Posted: Monday, July 21, 2014