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Handbook Appendices Forms Theatre Scholarships For Theatre Majors, Minors, and Intendeds University Theatre Handbook Table of Contents Theatre Home

• C.5  Developing a Résumé

 Résumés are your calling-cards.  They allow an employer, casting director, or admissions committee the ability to see quickly what your skills preparation has been, where you have found employment, and what range of experiences you bring with you. 

 You may be initially frustrated with a lack of employment history listings, but remember that your schooling has generally been your employment up to this point.  Anyone looking at your résumé will know that—and accept that—immediately.  And don’t forget all those summer and work-study jobs; they can be seen as augmenting your theatre skills if you can indicate your awareness of learning beyond specific job task.

 It’s important that you sell yourself in your résumé.  But don’t exaggerate or outright lie about your training and experience.  Your honesty and integrity should not be compromised.

 Taking care to present a perspective showing a balance between puffing yourself and simple presentation of your background will go far toward earning you careful consideration for the job. 

 What you want to do is leave the interview or casting call with a sense of having presented yourself and your abilities forthrightly.  Your suitability for the specific job or role is not your decision, but presenting yourself well is.

 Your résumé is not your job interview, but it is what you leave behind to be studied when you are being considered.  Make it clean, simple, and readable.

Next Section: C5a: Format for Actors

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